Monday, May 5, 2008


Well, it's been some time since the last update...

First, congrats to everyone who raced the Playtri Festival, ya'll did awesome!!

We have some exciting news!! SMU Tri Club got approved as a chartered organization which means we have access to school $$.

I'm going to try and pull for some money for the summer to get any club members staying in the metroplex to attend races with some cost covered, and we can perhaps get a school van to drive there. If you are staying in Dallas for the summer let me know!!! There are some great local races, and all over Texas.

Also, we will be re-organizing the officers for the club as many are no longer at SMU so please email me if you'd be interested in such a position.

This Saturday, May 10, there will be a 2hr open water swim clinic with zillions of race-start simulations at Joe Pool Lake. It will be followed by a 1hr bike ride at the same location. If you need a ride, someone to follow, or directions, please email me.

Safe training and hope everyone does awesome in their final exams :)
-Tatiana Vertiz, President

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